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Berbagi In the cathedral forests of California Terbaru dan Terlengkap 2017

Mariposa Grove dans le parc de Yosemite est l'un des massifs de séquoias géants les plus célèbres. Sa protection est garantie par l'État américain depuis 150 ans.
The redwoods are monuments. A bit like at home, Notre-Dame de Paris. Americans still like to think that their country is young go there as a pilgrimage to see the giants who lived there for so long. Motionless and silent in their forests, they belong to the long time of history, all these ancient civilizations whose offspring have landed in California since the mid-nineteenth century.
To admire, we must move away from the Pacific coast. Take due east to the Sierra Nevada. It is in this mountain that the giant sequoias live. The largest of them is the biggest tree in the world: 1487 cubic meters of wood! Further east, in the White Mountains, which rise to 4,342 meters above sea level, bristlecone pines push, which are the oldest trees in the world. The oldest of all is more than 5,000 years: he already had five centuries of existence when was built the pyramid of Cheops.
To engage in this little exercise time would be lost quickly head, for a generation of redwoods, it is 3000 years. No one can say how many thousands of stretches of time old bristlecone pine trees, as these trees seem to have discovered the secret of immortality. But while the old pine trees survive in suffering, the redwoods remain firm, solid, straight, insensitive to the breeze, indifferent to the attacks of fire and lightning. Faced with decades of drought and floods, they hold out. They operate in a different scale, somewhere between the time stones and men. Is it necessary to specify that it does not feel much beside them? Besides, what to say without taking the risk of sounding as hollow as an old trunk while empty? "! That is cool," says a boy came with his dad admire the Colossi Park Calaveras: that's cool. It's true, it's still a bit more than that, and should read John Muir to approach the truth of the old trees. "Trees and men: we travel together through the Milky Way," wrote the American naturalist after a tremendous storm that passed in a kind of ecstasy, clinging to the top of a tall pine in the Sierra Nevada .
"Before the storm day, it had never occurred to me that trees are travelers, in the true sense. It's true they do not go very far, but our little trips for us, here and there, are ultimately not much more than a tree swaying in the wind. "Over of their existence, the redwoods perform a great time travel is the great mystery of these forests. In 1894, John Muir published The Mountains of California, the fruit of his life as a hermit in the mountains. The book was a huge success. Muir said that there majesty of giant sequoias was equaled that of the Yosemite Valley. Under his pen, we could not find finer tribute because, more than any other place, John Muir celebrated this beautiful valley.

Les pins aristés colonisent les flancs des White Mountains, à environ 3 000 mètres. Ils existent depuis plusieurs milliers d'années et sont les champions de la survie.This is largely because of him that she has become a top tourist attraction in the United States. Today, they built roads and installed there parking: during the day, traffic is such that there are plugs. But with the end of the day, the car flows dried up. Sometimes a straggler bus stops along the Merced River. Tourists descend, take some pictures and chat then leave for the next point. What have they seen in such a short time? They should have these tourists in a hurry, take the example of the American writer. Sit on the tree trunk rests in balance over the waves, hold eyes and ears, breathing, full nose scents of the forest. Observed that the sun rising from the other side of the mountains, a light breath of air began to ascend the river. They would have admired a giant redwood young waving gracefully in the wind, while at his feet poplars happily waving their branches. Shaking in every way their light leaves, they fill the air smelling sap, slightly acid, which is necessary in the saturated with the scents of the forest atmosphere.
After the valley, another necessary step to Yosemite's Mariposa Grove. This is one of the most famous mountains of giant sequoias, because its protection is guaranteed by the American government for 150 years. June 30, 1864, in full Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln signed into effect the first act of the story safeguard the data of a natural heritage, Yosemite Grant Act, which definitively classified the valley and large redwoods. The tree already needed to be protected.

La beauté de la Sierra Nevada émerveillait l'écrivain américain John Muir. En 1984, il publia<i> The Mountains of California</i>, l'ouvrage eut un immense succès.
Because, unlike its cousin the redwood (Sequoia sempervirens), which grows by the millions along the Pacific Ocean, the giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum), is relatively rare. Difficult indeed to estimate the number: Wayne Harrison, a scientist specializing in fire ecology, ensured for almost thirty years in the mountains of Park Calaveras. According to him, the number of giant sequoias, the trunk of which measures more than 30 centimeters at breast height, is approximately 100 000 Smaller trees would be a few hundred thousand. Redwood, which needs forest fires to breed, suffered from the fight against fires conducted successfully for a century and a half. It's only been forty years since the Rangers and scientists working in the parks again light fires to promote the regeneration of undergrowth: not enough to allow the emergence of a new cohort of young shoots.
Sequoia does not breed easily ... It fits pretty easily though: in the nineteenth century it was fashionable to plant in the properties of France or England. So today, the largest trees in Europe are often giant sequoias of California. But, naturally, this tree grows only on the western slopes of the mountains of the Sierra Nevada, at an altitude between 800 and 2700 meters. There, 400 kilometers long, there are between 67 and 75 beds. In the far north, near Lake Tahoe, the smallest has only 6 of these giants. It is in the south lie the largest concentrations: in the Sequoia National Park, they are impressive.

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