Berbagi Info [Masks] Case Study: Skin Lightening with Vitamins Terbaru 2017 Gratis

Sedikit Info Seputar [Masks] Case Study: Skin Lightening with Vitamins Terbaru 2017 - Hay gaes kali ini team info ponsel kita, kali ini akan membahas artikel dengan judul [Masks] Case Study: Skin Lightening with Vitamins, kami selaku Team info ponsel kita telah mempersiapkan artikel ini untuk sobat sobat yang menyukai info ponsel kita. semoga isi postingan tentang Artikel Exfoliation, Artikel How To, Artikel Masks, yang saya posting kali ini dapat dipahami dengan mudah serta memberi manfa'at bagi kalian semua, walaupun tidak sempurna setidaknya artikel kami memberi sedikit informasi kepada kalian semua. ok langsung simak aja sob
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Berbagi [Masks] Case Study: Skin Lightening with Vitamins Terbaru dan Terlengkap 2017

Case Study: Skin Lightening with Vitamins - We do seem to be getting somewhere with this new skin lightening product. Although my main goal from the beginning was to fade the darkest, largest spots (which is happening to some extent), the many smaller 'freckles' and miscolorations that were visible in February have all but disappeared now.

I should have gone even closer to the skin to illustrate this, but I was so focused on the larger, more prominent spots that this is as close as I got with the camera when we started out. The overall effect is however a lighter tone on the skin.

Above is 'C's' hand in February (on the left) and again in May (on the right). C has all along been doing her citrus fruit bleaching and vigilant sun-protection program, so the difference you see in these 2 photos is mainly the result of the Vitamin C skin lightening cream.

Photo Pro? I think No.
Again, I must mention that I am not a professional photographer. It has been nearly impossible to recreate the exact lighting and hand positioning for each session. (It's evident when you check the background color in the above photos).

Visible Difference
There is enough difference in the overall tone of the skin to where we can definitely slot this product in as a functioning skin lightener.

Tester 'C' has been using the cream both mornings and evenings.

'C's Feedback
The scent, texture, feel and function have all received a thumbs up.

Tester 'B' from t(he previous test session) has asked to give this new cream a whirl, so I'd better get back into the lab and whip up a new batch!

Previous Posts on this CaseSkin Lightening with plants and VitaminsSkin Lightening- Update
Skin LIghtening - Update on 'C'
Skin Lightening - Second Update on C
Skin Lightening with Vitamins: a case revisitedUsing Citrus fruits to fight age spots

other source :,,

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